LearnWell resources for NCEA Level 1

In recent years, the NCEA Level 1 standards have undergone significant changes, with some new standards finalised and others still in progress. To navigate these shifts effectively, we've updated our resource maps (further down this page) to help you select the most suitable tools for your learners. 

The NCEA Change Programme aims to streamline achievement standards, reducing their number while covering a broader range of knowledge, skills, and capabilities. Consequently, many new standards will align with parts of multiple existing ones. Therefore, you may need to use more than one of our current resources to fully meet the requirements of a new standard.

To stay informed about upcoming releases and our future plans, please subscribe to our emails at the bottom of this page.


Following the Education Review Office announcement on 26 November 2024 [RNZ and ERO], we’re reassessing our NCEA Level 1 resources. We want to make sure that what we develop next meets the needs of teachers and students.

While we had a variety of NCEA Level 1 resources in development, we’ve decided to pause them. We’ll take the time to consider what would be most useful moving forward. At LearnWell, we pride ourselves on creating resources that you can depend on – designed to be enduring, NZ-context specific and aligned with the NZ curriculum.

In the meantime, a few NCEA Level 1 resources in Commerce and Science, which reflect recent curriculum changes, are ready – or almost ready – for release. We believe what we have developed will be some of the best content available to meet the requirements of the new curriculum. If you’d like to explore them when they’re available, just let us know, and we’ll keep you informed.

We’d love to hear your thoughts. If there are specific resources you’d like to see, or if you’d like more of what we’ve previously offered, please let us know! Your feedback will help guide our next steps and ensure we meet your needs. 

Check out our Level 1 mapping guide below. It shows how many of our trusted resources continue to align with the new curriculum.

How LearnWell resources align with the updated Level 1 NCEA standards



New standard LearnWell Print

1.1 (91924)

Demonstrate understanding of how context shapes verbal language use


1.2 (91945)

Demonstrate understanding of specific aspects of studied text


1.3 (91926)

Develop ideas in writing using stylistic and written conventions


1.4 (91927)

Demonstrate understanding of significant aspects of unfamiliar texts





New standard LearnWell Print LearnWell Digital
1.1 (91920)
Demonstrate understanding of a science-informed response to a local issue
1.2 (91921)
Demonstrate understanding of the use of a range of scientific investigative approaches in a context
1.3 (91922)
Describe features of science that have contributed to the development of a science idea in a local context
1.4 (91923)
Demonstrate understanding of science-related claims in communicated information



Agricultural and Horticultural Science


New standard LearnWell Print

1.1 (91928)

Demonstrate understanding of how a life process is managed in a primary production system

1.2 (91929)

Demonstrate understanding of factors that influence the purpose and location of primary production

1.3 (91930)

Demonstrate understanding of how soil properties are managed in a primary production system

1.4 (91931)

Demonstrate understanding of environmental sustainability in primary production management practices




Chemistry and Biology


New standard LearnWell Print LearnWell Digital
1.1 (92020)
Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between a microorganism and the environment
1.2 (92021)
Demonstrate understanding of chemical reactions in context
1.3 (92022)
Demonstrate understanding of genetic variation in relation to an identified characteristic
1.4 (92023)
Demonstrate understanding of how the physical properties of materials inform their use



Physics, Earth and Space Science


New standard LearnWell Print LearnWell Digital
1.1 (92044)
Demonstrate understanding of human-induced change within the Earth system
N/A  N/A
1.2 (92045)
Demonstrate understanding of physical phenomenon through investigation
1.3 (92046)
Demonstrate understanding of the effect of the Earth of interactions between the Sun and the Earth-Moon system
1.4 (92047)
Demonstrate understanding of a physical system energy concepts



Mathematics and Statistics


New standard LearnWell Print

1.1 (91944)

Explore data using a statistical enquiry process 


1.2 (91945)

Use mathematical methods to explore problems that relate to life in Aotearoa New Zealand or the Pacific


1.3 (91946)

Interpret and apply mathematical and statistical information in context


1.4 (91947)

Demonstrate mathematical reasoning






New standard LearnWell Print LearnWell Digital
1.1 (92028)
Demonstrate understanding of an organisation's financial decision-making
1.2 (92029)
Demonstrate understanding of price determination for an organisation
1.3 (92030)
Demonstrate understanding of how interdependent financial relationships are affected by an event
1.4 (92031)
Demonstrate understanding of the financial viability of an organisation





New standard LearnWell Print LearnWell Digital
1.1 (91932)
Demonstrate understanding of the spatial distribution of a phenomenon and its impacts on place
1.2 (91933)
Explore an environment using data
1.3 (91934)
Demonstrate understanding of how natural processes shape an environment
1.4 (91935)
Demonstrate understanding of decision-making in response to a geographic challenge in the wider Pacific region





New standard LearnWell Print LearnWell Digital
1.1 (92024)
Engage with a variety of primary sources in a historical context
1.2 (92025)
Demonstrate understanding of the significance of a historical context
1.3 (92026)
Demonstrate understanding of historical concepts in contexts of significance to Aotearoa New Zealand
1.4 (92027)
Demonstrate understanding of perspectives on a historical context



Health Studies


New standard LearnWell Print LearnWell Digital
All standards   N/A
1.1 (92008)
Demonstrate understanding of hauora in a health-related context through the application of a model of health
N/A  N/A
1.2 (92009)
Demonstrate understanding of decision-making in a health-related situation
1.3 (92010)
Demonstrate understanding of factors that influence hauora
1.4 (92011)
Demonstrate understanding of strategies that enhance hauora





New standard LearnWell Print

1.1 (91936)

Compose a dance sequence in response to a brief

1.2 (91937)

Perform dance sequences

1.3 (91938)

Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between cultural context and key features of a dance genre or style

1.4 (91939)

Demonstrate understanding of the elements of dance in a dance performance





New standard LearnWell Print

1.1 (91940)

Explore the function of theatre Aotearoa

1.2 (91941)

Participate in creative strategies to create a drama

1.3 (91942)

Perform a scripted role for an audience using drama techniques

1.4 (91943)

Response to a drama performance




Visual Arts


New standard LearnWell Print

1.1 (91912)

Use practice-based visual inquiry to explore an Aotearoa New Zealand Māori context and another cultural context

1.2 (91913)

Produce resolved artwork appropriate to established art making conventions

1.3 (91914)

Explore Visual Arts processes and conventions to inform own art making

1.4 (91915)

Create a sustained body of related artworks in response to an art making proposition




New NCEA Achievement Standards: There was an update to the Level 1 Achievement Standards in 2024.  New publishing reflects these new study and assessment requirements. The best way to check which resource you need is to ask your student or by using  the five digit number of the AS e.g. 92020


Expired NCEA Achievement Standards: These are the Achievement Standards that were retired in 2024. However, many schools are choosing to create their own Year 11 courses in place of NCEA Level 1. They often use the pre-2024 AS as the basis of the learning and assessment. The best way to check which resource you need is to ask your student or by using  the five digit number of the AS e.g. 91924