92020 Relationship between a Microorganism and the Environment Learning Guide

92020 Relationship between a Microorganism and the Environment Learning Guide


ISBN: 978-1-991107-29-9

New NCEA. Ready June, 2025

New NCEA Achievement Standards

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This Learning Guide covers learning from NCEA Level 1 Science Achievement Standard 92020 (Chemistry and Biology 1.1) ‘Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between a microorganism and the environment’. 

This includes: 

  • why it's important we understand the relationship between microorganisms and the environment
  • the main types of microorganisms and the seven life processes
  • biotic and abiotic environmental factors
  • how bacteria, fungi and viruses respond to things that change in their environment - and how some even change their environment in turn.

Features include: 

  • case studies and examples from Aotearoa New Zealand, including mātauranga Māori examples
  • links to internet and video resources
  • activities so that you can check your learning as you go
  • key point summaries at the end of each chapter
  • a comprehensive glossary of terms used in the book.


Published: TBC


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