How does Afterpay work?
Afterpay is available for online orders of no minimum.Browse our catalogue and add items to your shopping cart. When checking out, select Afterpay from the available payment methods. You will be directed to Afterpay's website.
If you are using Afterpay for the first time, you will need to register and provide your payment details to complete the transaction. If you have used Afterpay before, you can simply login and pay for your order.
Late fees may apply if payments are not made on time.
Please see Afterpay terms here
What do I need to use Afterpay?
To use Afterpay you will need to- Live in New Zealand
- Be over 18 years of age
- Have a New Zealand debit or credit card
- Have a valid and verifiable email address and mobile number
- Be capable of entering into a legally binding contract
Please note that ID verification does not guarantee that your order with Afterpay will be approved, as per Afterpay’s terms.