ESA + iQualify for Schools = LearnWell
Alex MacCreadieTwo of New Zealand’s best educational resource providers have come together to provide an even greater range of resources for teachers, learners and schools.
ESA Publications has been a leader in providing quality print educational resources for teachers and learners since 1985. Since our first Study Guides, through to our current range of over 340 books, you’ll find ESA Publications books in most New Zealand schools.
Established in 2017, iQualify for Schools has created over 100 online learning resources which are used in high schools all over New Zealand. Our team brings expert learning design and knowledge of online learning to everything we do.
From the 25th of July 2022, these two great businesses will combine their knowledge, skills and resources to become LearnWell – the home of New Zealand’s best print and digital educational resources.

Same great people; even better range of resources. So, whether you’re looking for print or digital, or a combination of both, LearnWell has the resource you’re looking for. Have a look now!